Thursday, July 31, 2014

Not Much Has Changed

Written by Jadon:

Well, despite the fact that not much has changed since our last blog post, we thought you would all like to know what is happening.

We got up early yesterday to catch the train into Chicago so that we would have plenty of time to get to our appointment at the Czech consulate office.  We were a bit nervous that everything would finally work out to allow us to finally turn in our visa applications. We had checked the consulate’s website multiple times to make sure that we had everything they required—we had also brought along two envelopes marked with our mailing address so that they could mail our visas and passports back to us and we had extra stamps just in case.

We got there early—as we always do for things like this—and sat outside the building until about 20 minutes before our scheduled appointment.  We then headed inside, got our visitor’s passes (to let us into the building proper), and proceeded to ride the elevator up to the consulate office with optimistic determination and a tiny bit of bated breath excitement thrown in as well.

Well, turns out that among the other documents we had brought, the consulate also needed proof of our insurance, a signed affidavit in order to do a background check on us, our actual work permit—so far we only have the work permit receipt—and a $19.99 prepaid priority mail envelope from the Post Office (which is much more official than our white legal envelopes).

So now we are back to waiting for the mail so that we can try again, but we are still optimistic. There is a very real possibility we can have all the documents in hand by the end of next week, and, according to the lady at the consulate office, we could have our visas three days after applying. So there is still a very good chance to get our visas in time. Thank goodness!

We know many of you have been praying for us specifically about our visas and all the associated paper work, and we are very thankful! Please keep praying, and we’ll keep you updated!

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